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Mastering Financial Modeling with Runway: A Comprehensive Guide

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This is the Runway Help Center, providing a comprehensive resource for users to learn about the platform's features, functionalities, and best practices. It covers various topics, including getting started, planning and collaborating, reference materials, and API documentation. The content is organized into different sections, offering step-by-step guides, case studies, and practical tips for effective use of Runway.
  • main points
  • unique insights
  • practical applications
  • key topics
  • key insights
  • learning outcomes
  • main points

    • 1
      Provides a well-organized and comprehensive resource for Runway users.
    • 2
      Offers a variety of content formats, including articles, guides, and API documentation.
    • 3
      Includes practical examples and case studies to illustrate key concepts and functionalities.
  • unique insights

    • 1
      Explains the concept of scenarios in Runway and how they facilitate organized workflows.
    • 2
      Provides step-by-step guides for setting up integrations with various software like Gusto, Hibob, Netsuite, Quickbooks, and Rippling.
  • practical applications

    • This help center offers valuable practical guidance for users of all levels, enabling them to effectively utilize Runway's features and functionalities for various business needs.
  • key topics

    • 1
      Runway platform overview
    • 2
      Formulas and scenarios
    • 3
      Integrations with various software
    • 4
      Date math and FX rate normalization
    • 5
      Revenue recognition
  • key insights

    • 1
      Provides a comprehensive resource for learning about Runway's features and functionalities.
    • 2
      Offers practical guidance and step-by-step instructions for effective use.
    • 3
      Includes case studies and real-world examples to illustrate key concepts.
  • learning outcomes

    • 1
      Gain a comprehensive understanding of Runway's features and functionalities.
    • 2
      Learn how to effectively use Runway for various business needs.
    • 3
      Develop practical skills for setting up integrations and utilizing advanced accounting techniques.
code samples
advanced content
practical tips
best practices

Introduction to Runway

Runway is an innovative financial modeling platform designed to streamline financial planning and analysis for businesses of all sizes. It combines powerful features with user-friendly interfaces to make complex financial tasks more accessible and efficient. Whether you're a finance professional, business owner, or part of a cross-functional team, Runway offers tools to enhance your financial decision-making process.

Key Features of Runway

Runway boasts a range of features that set it apart in the financial modeling space. These include: 1. Formula Writing: Runway uses human-readable formulas that only need to be entered once, making them easy to work with for all team members. 2. Scenario Planning: Users can create and explore 'what-if' scenarios without affecting the main model, promoting safer collaboration. 3. Integrations: Runway offers seamless integrations with popular business tools like Gusto, Hibob, Netsuite, Quickbooks, and Rippling. 4. Date Math: This feature allows for more accurate accounting by matching your ledger with business realities. 5. FX Rate Normalization: Users can pull in foreign exchange rates and use database formulas to normalize values. 6. Revenue Recognition: Runway simplifies the complex process of recording revenue when it's earned, especially useful for businesses dealing with numerous contracts.

Getting Started with Runway

To begin using Runway effectively, users should familiarize themselves with key concepts such as drivers and dimensions. The platform provides a comprehensive getting started guide that walks new users through these fundamental aspects. This section of the help center is designed to give users a solid foundation for using Runway's features to their full potential.

Collaboration and Planning in Runway

Runway emphasizes collaborative financial planning. The platform offers features for sharing models, setting permissions, and working together effectively. This collaborative approach allows finance teams to work seamlessly with other departments, ensuring that financial plans align with overall business strategies. The scenario feature, in particular, enables team members to experiment with different financial projections without risking the integrity of the main model.

Integrations and Data Management

One of Runway's strengths is its ability to integrate with various business tools. The platform provides step-by-step guides for setting up integrations with popular services like Gusto, Hibob, Netsuite, Quickbooks, and Rippling. These integrations allow for seamless data flow between different systems, reducing manual data entry and potential errors. Additionally, Runway's data management features, such as FX rate normalization, help in handling complex financial data across different currencies and regions.

Advanced Financial Modeling Techniques

For users looking to leverage Runway's full potential, the platform offers advanced financial modeling techniques. These include using date math for more accurate accounting, which helps in matching ledgers with business realities. The revenue recognition feature is particularly useful for businesses dealing with complex revenue streams and numerous contracts with varying timeframes. These advanced features allow finance professionals to create more accurate and insightful financial models.

Runway API and Customization

For businesses with specific needs, Runway offers an API that allows for further customization and integration. The API reference documentation provides developers with the information needed to extend Runway's functionality and integrate it more deeply with other business systems. This flexibility ensures that Runway can adapt to the unique requirements of different organizations, making it a versatile tool for financial modeling and planning.

 Original link: https://help.runway.com/

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