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Streamlining Content Localization: Integrating DeepL AI with ButterCMS for Laravel

In-depth discussion
Technical, Easy to understand
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This article provides a comprehensive guide on using DeepL AI integration with ButterCMS to translate content for a SaaS landing page built with Laravel. It covers setting up collections, components, and a Page Type, then demonstrates how to translate the content using DeepL, including refining translations and previewing the results on the frontend.
  • main points
  • unique insights
  • practical applications
  • key topics
  • key insights
  • learning outcomes
  • main points

    • 1
      Provides a step-by-step guide for integrating DeepL AI with ButterCMS for content localization.
    • 2
      Demonstrates practical application of DeepL for translating a SaaS landing page built with Laravel.
    • 3
      Includes detailed screenshots and code examples to guide users through the process.
  • unique insights

    • 1
      Highlights the importance of refining DeepL translations to ensure accuracy and context.
    • 2
      Explains how to leverage ButterCMS Collections for efficient content translation.
    • 3
      Provides a clear understanding of how to integrate DeepL into a Laravel application.
  • practical applications

    • This article offers a valuable resource for developers and marketers seeking to streamline content localization using DeepL and ButterCMS.
  • key topics

    • 1
      Content Localization
    • 2
      DeepL AI Integration
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5
      SaaS Landing Page
  • key insights

    • 1
      Provides a practical guide for integrating DeepL AI with ButterCMS for content localization.
    • 2
      Demonstrates how to translate a SaaS landing page built with Laravel using DeepL.
    • 3
      Offers insights on refining DeepL translations for accuracy and context.
  • learning outcomes

    • 1
      Understand the benefits of using DeepL AI for content localization.
    • 2
      Learn how to integrate DeepL AI with ButterCMS for translating content.
    • 3
      Gain practical experience in translating a SaaS landing page built with Laravel using DeepL.
code samples
advanced content
practical tips
best practices

Introduction to Content Localization

Content localization is crucial in today's global digital landscape. With 73% of customers preferring to purchase from sites in their own language, businesses need effective localization strategies. This article explores how to streamline content localization using DeepL AI integration with ButterCMS, focusing on translating a Laravel-based SaaS landing page from English to Spanish.

Setting Up ButterCMS and DeepL Integration

To begin, enable the DeepL AI integration in your ButterCMS dashboard. Add the required locales (e.g., Spanish 'es-es') in the Localization settings. This setup allows for seamless translation between English and Spanish content within ButterCMS.

Creating ButterCMS Components and Collections

Create necessary components and collections in ButterCMS for your SaaS landing page. This includes navigation items, testimonials, feature lists, and client logos. Populate these with English content and use DeepL to translate them into Spanish, ensuring both versions are available.

Building the Laravel Application

Set up a new Laravel project and integrate the ButterCMS PHP client. Create controllers and views to fetch and display content from ButterCMS. Implement routing to handle both English and Spanish versions of the landing page.

Translating Content with DeepL

Use the DeepL button in ButterCMS to translate your entire landing page and its components from English to Spanish. Review and refine translations as needed to ensure accuracy and context-appropriate language.

Implementing the Translated Content

Modify your Laravel application to fetch the appropriate language content based on the locale parameter. Update your views to display content in the selected language. Test the application to ensure smooth switching between English and Spanish versions.

Best Practices and Considerations

Remember that DeepL is a tool to optimize translation workflows, not replace them entirely. Always review automated translations for context and accuracy. Keep your collections translated before translating pages that reference them. Regularly update and maintain both language versions of your content for consistency.

 Original link: https://buttercms.com/blog/streamline-content-localization-with-deepl/

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