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Enhancing Student Success: UIC Pilots Grammarly for Academic Writing Support

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This article discusses the implementation of Grammarly at UIC, highlighting its potential benefits for student writing proficiency and academic success. It features an interview with Bryan Libbin, Associate CIO for Academic Technology and Learning Innovation, who provides insights into the rationale behind the pilot, its expected impact, and strategies for effective integration into teaching methodologies. The article also addresses concerns regarding academic integrity and outlines plans for gathering feedback and assessing the tool's effectiveness.
  • main points
  • unique insights
  • practical applications
  • key topics
  • key insights
  • learning outcomes
  • main points

    • 1
      Provides a comprehensive overview of Grammarly's potential benefits for students and faculty
    • 2
      Includes an interview with a key stakeholder, offering valuable insights and perspectives
    • 3
      Outlines practical strategies for integrating Grammarly into teaching methodologies and assessments
    • 4
      Addresses concerns about academic integrity and outlines measures to ensure responsible use
  • unique insights

    • 1
      Highlights the importance of striking a balance between technology-assisted writing and independent skill development
    • 2
      Emphasizes the need for ongoing feedback and assessment to ensure Grammarly's effectiveness
    • 3
      Explores the potential of Grammarly to democratize access to advanced writing assistance
  • practical applications

    • This article provides valuable guidance for educators and students on how to effectively utilize Grammarly as a writing support tool, promoting improved writing skills and academic success.
  • key topics

    • 1
      Grammarly implementation at UIC
    • 2
      Benefits of Grammarly for student writing
    • 3
      Integrating Grammarly into teaching methodologies
    • 4
      Addressing academic integrity concerns
    • 5
      Assessing Grammarly's effectiveness
  • key insights

    • 1
      Provides a balanced perspective on the use of AI writing tools in education
    • 2
      Offers practical guidance for educators on integrating Grammarly into their teaching
    • 3
      Addresses concerns about academic integrity and promotes responsible use of the tool
  • learning outcomes

    • 1
      Gain an understanding of Grammarly's features and functionalities
    • 2
      Learn practical strategies for integrating Grammarly into teaching methodologies
    • 3
      Develop a balanced perspective on the use of AI writing tools in education
    • 4
      Understand the importance of academic integrity and responsible use of Grammarly
code samples
advanced content
practical tips
best practices

Introduction to Grammarly at UIC

The University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) is taking a significant step towards enhancing student achievement by piloting Grammarly, a cutting-edge writing assistance tool. This initiative, led by Learning Technology Solutions (LTS), aims to reinforce student writing capabilities and foster a student-centered learning environment. Bryan Libbin, the Associate CIO for Academic Technology and Learning Innovation at Technology Solutions, provides insights into the integration of Grammarly into UIC's edtech ecosystem.

Alignment with Student-Centered Learning

Grammarly aligns with UIC's student-centered approach by offering continuous 24/7 writing support, addressing the needs of both on-campus and commuter students. The decision to pilot Grammarly was based on existing student usage, financial considerations, and the tool's ability to create a controlled and secure environment for AI-assisted learning. This approach aims to enhance student learning while maintaining a balance that encourages active engagement and critical thinking.

Benefits for Student Writing Proficiency

Grammarly serves as a comprehensive writing tutor, assisting students with various aspects of writing, including grammar, tone, vocabulary, and sentence structure. It not only identifies errors but also suggests improvements, contributing to the organic growth of students' linguistic proficiency. The tool's accessibility to all students, regardless of economic background, promotes equity in education and levels the playing field for academic success.

Implementation Strategies and Support

UIC is developing a comprehensive strategy to ensure optimal use of Grammarly. This includes creating instructional materials, video tutorials, and best practice guides for both students and faculty. The LTS team is collaborating with Grammarly to utilize available resources and provide ongoing support. These efforts aim to facilitate a smooth onboarding process and continuous improvement in the use of the tool.

Integration into Teaching Methodologies

Instructors are encouraged to integrate Grammarly into their teaching methodologies through various strategies. These include in-class demonstrations, incorporating Grammarly into peer review sessions, using it in writing workshops, and including it in assessment criteria. The goal is to use Grammarly as a catalyst for discussions on writing challenges and improvement strategies, while maintaining a balance between technology use and independent skill development.

Promoting Academic Integrity

Grammarly promotes originality and academic integrity through its plagiarism detection feature and citation suggestions. The tool empowers students to understand and adhere to academic writing standards while encouraging clear and authentic expression. Instructors play a crucial role in educating students about the appropriate use of Grammarly and reinforcing principles of academic integrity throughout the writing process.

Assessment of Effectiveness

UIC will assess Grammarly's effectiveness during the one-year pilot using three key metrics: adoption rates, usage patterns, and qualitative feedback from surveys. The evaluation will involve input from students, faculty, staff, and writing advisors. This comprehensive approach aims to provide a nuanced understanding of Grammarly's impact on the academic ecosystem and inform decisions about its potential long-term adoption.

Getting Started with Grammarly

The Grammarly pilot will begin in the spring, with instructions for account activation sent to all faculty, staff, and students. UIC encourages the community to approach Grammarly as a supportive tool among many resources available for enhancing writing skills. Faculty are urged to familiarize themselves with Grammarly, integrate it into their teaching, and provide feedback on its effectiveness. The LTS team offers support through workshops and consultations to facilitate the successful integration of Grammarly into the academic environment.

 Original link: https://learning.uic.edu/news-stories/grammarlys-role-in-student-achievement-with-bryan-libbin-associate-cio-for-academic-technology-and-learning-innovation/

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