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Mastering Klaviyo Flows: A Comprehensive Guide to Automated Marketing

In-depth discussion
Easy to understand
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This article provides a comprehensive guide to using Klaviyo flows, also known as automations or drip campaigns, for personalized and automated customer communications. It covers setting up your first flow, choosing pre-built flows from the library, understanding triggers and profile filters, adding steps, scheduling actions, setting flow statuses, and reviewing analytics.
  • main points
  • unique insights
  • practical applications
  • key topics
  • key insights
  • learning outcomes
  • main points

    • 1
      Provides a step-by-step guide to setting up your first Klaviyo flow.
    • 2
      Explains key concepts like triggers, profile filters, and flow statuses in a clear and concise manner.
    • 3
      Offers practical advice on which flows to prioritize and how to schedule actions effectively.
    • 4
      Includes helpful visual aids and screenshots to illustrate the process.
  • unique insights

    • 1
      Detailed explanation of how triggers and profile filters qualify subscribers for flows.
    • 2
      In-depth discussion of flow statuses and their impact on message delivery.
    • 3
      Practical tips on reviewing flow analytics to understand performance and recipient activity.
  • practical applications

    • This article provides valuable practical guidance for Klaviyo users who are new to flows and want to learn how to set up and manage automated customer communications.
  • key topics

    • 1
      Klaviyo Flows
    • 2
      Flow Triggers
    • 3
      Profile Filters
    • 4
      Flow Components
    • 5
      Scheduling Actions
    • 6
      Flow Statuses
    • 7
      Flow Analytics
  • key insights

    • 1
      Comprehensive guide to setting up and managing Klaviyo flows.
    • 2
      Detailed explanation of flow triggers and profile filters.
    • 3
      Practical advice on scheduling actions and setting flow statuses.
    • 4
      In-depth discussion of flow analytics and recipient activity.
  • learning outcomes

    • 1
      Understand the basics of Klaviyo flows and their purpose.
    • 2
      Learn how to set up and configure your first Klaviyo flow.
    • 3
      Gain practical knowledge on triggers, filters, components, scheduling, and statuses.
    • 4
      Develop an understanding of flow analytics and how to interpret performance data.
code samples
advanced content
practical tips
best practices

Introduction to Klaviyo Flows

Klaviyo flows are powerful automated sequences designed to deliver personalized communications to customers based on specific triggers. These flows, also known as automations or drip campaigns, can include both email and SMS messages. They are triggered by various customer actions such as joining a list, being added to a segment, making a purchase, or abandoning a cart. Flows allow for time delays between actions and can split into multiple paths for enhanced customization. The primary goal of flows is to engage customers throughout their journey with your brand, from welcome series to post-purchase follow-ups.

Prioritizing Initial Flows

When setting up Klaviyo, certain flows should be prioritized for immediate impact. The most crucial flows to implement first are: 1. Welcome Series: Introduces new subscribers to your brand and aims to convert them into first-time customers. 2. Abandoned Cart: Targets potential customers who have left items in their cart without completing the purchase. 3. Post-Purchase: Shows appreciation to customers and recommends related products. 4. Winback: Re-engages past customers who haven't made a purchase in a while. These flows can be customized based on customer behavior, purchase history, and other relevant data. It's recommended to have separate welcome series flows for email and SMS, as subscribers may opt into these channels separately.

Creating a Flow: Step-by-Step Guide

To create a new flow in Klaviyo: 1. Navigate to the Flows tab and click 'Create Flow'. 2. Choose a pre-built flow from the Flow Library or start from scratch. 3. Name your flow clearly for easy organization. 4. Select a trigger for your flow (list, segment, metric, date property, or price drop). 5. Set up trigger filters and profile filters to determine who qualifies for the flow. 6. Add steps to your flow, such as emails, SMS messages, or other actions. 7. Configure each step's settings in the sidebar. 8. Add time delays between steps to space out communications. 9. Set the flow action status (draft, manual, or live) when ready to activate.

Understanding Flow Components

Klaviyo flows consist of three main component types: 1. Action Components: These perform specific tasks like sending messages or updating profile information. Actions have adjustable statuses (live, manual, or draft). 2. Timing Components: Time delays can be added before actions to schedule them relative to the trigger or other actions. A time delay must be followed by a live or manual status action to function. 3. Logic Components: Conditional and trigger splits allow the flow to branch into multiple paths based on specific criteria. Conditional splits branch based on recipient information, while trigger splits branch based on the triggering event details. To add components, simply drag and drop them from the sidebar onto the visual canvas. Each component can be configured in the settings sidebar for customization.

Scheduling and Time Delays

Proper scheduling is crucial for effective flow management. Time delays between actions ensure that messages are not sent simultaneously and allow recipients time to engage with each communication. Key points about time delays: - Can be set in minutes, hours, or days. - A delay of X days is calculated as X 24-hour periods unless a specific time of day is set. - Delays can be set to wait until a specific time of day or day of the week. - Updating a time delay only affects newly scheduled messages, not those already queued. To add a time delay, drag the time delay component from the settings sidebar and place it between actions in your flow. This allows for precise control over the timing of each step in your automated sequence.

Setting Flow Action Statuses

Flow actions in Klaviyo have three possible statuses: 1. Draft: The default status for new messages. Use this while configuring content and settings. No messages are sent or scheduled when in draft. 2. Manual: Activates the message in the flow but requires manual review and sending. Useful for testing before going live. 3. Live: Fully activates the message, allowing it to be sent automatically according to the flow's logic. To change the status of individual actions, click the status button in the corner of each flow action. To update all actions at once, use the 'Review and Turn On' or 'Update Action Statuses' button in the top right of the flow builder. This allows for efficient management of your entire flow or specific components as needed.

Analyzing Flow Performance

Klaviyo provides robust analytics to help you understand and optimize your flow performance: 1. Visual Analytics: Click 'Show Analytics' in the flow builder to display performance metrics on the canvas for each action. 2. 30-Day Snapshot: View a quick performance overview in the sidebar for each action. 3. Detailed Reports: Access comprehensive analytics by clicking 'View all Analytics' for in-depth insights into recipient activity. 4. Recipient Activity: Monitor the 'Needs Review' and 'Waiting' sections to manage manual approvals and track scheduled messages. 5. Performance Metrics: Analyze key indicators such as open rates, click rates, conversion rates, and revenue generated by each flow and individual message. Regularly reviewing these analytics allows you to identify areas for improvement, test different strategies, and optimize your flows for better engagement and conversion rates.

Troubleshooting and Advanced Features

As you become more familiar with Klaviyo flows, you may encounter challenges or wish to implement more advanced features: 1. Troubleshooting: If a flow isn't sending as expected, check trigger and filter settings, ensure proper time delays, and verify action statuses. 2. Flow Branching: Use conditional and trigger splits to create more personalized paths based on customer data or behavior. 3. Back-Populating Flows: Learn how to add past customers or subscribers to a new flow for comprehensive coverage. 4. A/B Testing: Experiment with different message content, timing, or flow structures to optimize performance. 5. Integration with Other Klaviyo Features: Combine flows with segments, lists, and custom events for more sophisticated automation strategies. For ongoing learning and support, utilize Klaviyo's Academy courses, community forums, and support resources to master advanced flow techniques and resolve any issues that arise.

 Original link: https://help.klaviyo.com/hc/en-us/articles/115002774932

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