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How Shopify Built Shop.app: A Remix Success Story

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This article details Shopify's experience building Shop.app, a web version of their popular mobile shopping app, using Remix. It highlights how Remix's flexibility, speed, and integration with existing infrastructure allowed Shopify to quickly launch a feature-rich web app, achieving feature parity with the native apps and expanding user reach. The article also discusses the benefits of using Vite for faster development and the importance of continuous delivery in achieving rapid results.
  • main points
  • unique insights
  • practical applications
  • key topics
  • key insights
  • learning outcomes
  • main points

    • 1
      Demonstrates the effectiveness of Remix for building complex web applications quickly.
    • 2
      Highlights the benefits of Remix's flexibility and integration with existing infrastructure.
    • 3
      Showcases the significant performance improvements achieved by using Vite.
    • 4
      Emphasizes the importance of continuous delivery and rapid iteration in software development.
  • unique insights

    • 1
      Provides a real-world example of how Remix can be used to build a web app with feature parity to a native app.
    • 2
      Explains how Shopify leveraged a monorepo setup to streamline development across multiple platforms.
    • 3
      Details the challenges faced with slow HMR and how they were overcome by migrating to Vite.
  • practical applications

    • This case study offers valuable insights for developers considering Remix for their projects, particularly those looking to build web applications quickly and efficiently, especially when integrating with existing infrastructure.
  • key topics

    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
      Web Development
    • 5
      Case Study
    • 6
    • 7
    • 8
      Continuous Delivery
    • 9
      Rapid Development
  • key insights

    • 1
      Provides a real-world example of Remix's capabilities in a large-scale project.
    • 2
      Highlights the benefits of using Vite for faster development.
    • 3
      Demonstrates the importance of continuous delivery in achieving rapid results.
  • learning outcomes

    • 1
      Understand the benefits of using Remix for building web applications.
    • 2
      Learn about the practical challenges and solutions involved in using Remix in a real-world project.
    • 3
      Gain insights into the importance of continuous delivery and rapid iteration in software development.
    • 4
      Discover the advantages of using Vite for faster development.
code samples
advanced content
practical tips
best practices

Introduction to Shop and the Web Project

Shop is a popular mobile application by Shopify that allows users to discover merchants, make purchases, and track orders across various delivery services. In early 2023, Shopify decided to bring Shop to the web, aiming to achieve feature parity with the native apps and capitalize on the unique advantages of the web platform. This decision was driven by the potential to capture more users, create a faster feedback loop, and enable rapid experimentation and improvement.

Why Shopify Chose Remix for Shop.app

Shopify selected Remix as the framework for building Shop.app due to several key factors. First, Remix's compatibility with React allowed the team to reuse logic, styles, and UX from the existing React Native app. Second, Remix offered the flexibility to accommodate the team's existing patterns, such as data fetching with Apollo Client. Additionally, Remix provided essential features like server-side rendering for improved UX and SEO. The framework's adaptability was initially proven in a smaller project, Shop.ai, which gave the team confidence in Remix's capabilities for the larger Shop.app project.

The Development Process with Remix

The development of Shop.app with Remix leveraged Shopify's existing monorepo structure, which contained the source code for iOS, Android, and web versions of Shop. This setup simplified the migration of existing marketing pages and allowed for easy collaboration between native and web developers. Remix's flexibility enabled seamless integration with the existing infrastructure, allowing the team to start development rapidly. The team was able to launch the initial product page within just three months, showcasing Remix's efficiency in facilitating fast development cycles.

Overcoming Challenges and Optimizing Performance

One challenge the team faced was slow Hot Module Replacement (HMR) times, initially taking about 9 seconds. This issue was addressed by adopting Remix's new Vite plugin, which immediately improved HMR times to 2.3 seconds. Further optimization, including parallelizing the build process for Tailwind CSS, reduced HMR times to an impressive 0.1 seconds. This 90x improvement in development speed significantly enhanced the team's productivity and ability to iterate quickly.

Key Achievements and Lessons Learned

The successful development of Shop.app with Remix demonstrated several key achievements. The team was able to rapidly transform a simple marketing site into a fully functional web application, serving millions of users worldwide. Remix's flexibility allowed for the integration of existing patterns and libraries while providing the option to incrementally adopt Remix-specific features. The project highlighted the importance of choosing the right tools that align with project constraints and goals. Ultimately, Shopify's experience with Remix in building Shop.app showcases the framework's potential for efficiently developing complex, scalable web applications in a short timeframe.

 Original link: https://remix.run/blog/shop-case-study

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