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Building an Audio Chatbot with Nextjs, OpenAI, and ElevenLabs

In-depth discussion
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This article provides a comprehensive guide on building a conversational text and voice chatbot using Nextjs, OpenAI, and ElevenLabs. It covers setting up OpenAI and ElevenLabs accounts, generating API keys, defining type interfaces, creating API routes for OpenAI and ElevenLabs requests, and composing the Nextjs UI with components for voice selection, message display, controls, and input.
  • main points
  • unique insights
  • practical applications
  • key topics
  • key insights
  • learning outcomes
  • main points

    • 1
      Provides a step-by-step guide for building a functional audio chatbot using Nextjs, OpenAI, and ElevenLabs.
    • 2
      Covers essential concepts like AI, LLMs, prompt engineering, and speech synthesis.
    • 3
      Includes detailed code examples for API requests, type interfaces, and UI components.
    • 4
      Offers practical tips for optimizing response time and maximizing API credits.
  • unique insights

    • 1
      Demonstrates how to integrate AI tools and audio into web applications using Nextjs.
    • 2
      Explains the use of Server Actions and Route Handlers in Nextjs for API interactions.
    • 3
      Discusses the benefits of streaming responses for improved user experience.
  • practical applications

    • This article provides a valuable resource for developers looking to build interactive audio chatbots with AI capabilities.
  • key topics

    • 1
      Audio Chatbot Development
    • 2
      Nextjs App Router
    • 3
      OpenAI API
    • 4
      ElevenLabs API
    • 5
      Speech Synthesis
    • 6
      Prompt Engineering
  • key insights

    • 1
      Comprehensive guide for building a full-stack audio chatbot.
    • 2
      Practical implementation using Nextjs, OpenAI, and ElevenLabs.
    • 3
      Detailed code examples and explanations for each step.
    • 4
      Discussion of streaming responses for improved user experience.
  • learning outcomes

    • 1
      Understand the fundamentals of AI, LLMs, and speech synthesis.
    • 2
      Learn how to build a conversational audio chatbot using Nextjs, OpenAI, and ElevenLabs.
    • 3
      Gain practical experience with API integration and UI development.
    • 4
      Explore advanced concepts like streaming responses and optimization techniques.
code samples
advanced content
practical tips
best practices


In this tutorial, we'll explore how to create an audio chatbot using Nextjs, OpenAI, and ElevenLabs. This project combines the power of AI-driven text generation with advanced speech synthesis to deliver a unique user experience. Users can input text questions and receive both text and audio responses, simulating a conversation with Apple's Siri digital assistant.


Before diving into the project, ensure you have the following: - Node.js and NPM installed - Basic knowledge of JavaScript, TypeScript, React, and Nextjs - Familiarity with API concepts - OpenAI and ElevenLabs API keys (instructions provided in the tutorial)

Setting Up the Project

Start by creating a new Nextjs project using create-next-app. Set up the project structure, including directories for API routes, components, hooks, and utility functions. Install necessary dependencies such as the ElevenLabs TypeScript SDK and React Toastify for notifications. Configure environment variables for API keys in a .env.local file.

Implementing the APIs

Create API routes for both OpenAI and ElevenLabs integrations. The OpenAI route handles text generation using the GPT-3.5-turbo model, while the ElevenLabs route manages text-to-speech conversion. Implement error handling and API key validation in these routes to ensure smooth operation and provide meaningful feedback to users.

Building the User Interface

Develop React components for the chatbot interface, including: - ChatVoice: Allows users to select different voices for the audio response - ChatMessages: Displays the conversation history - ChatControls: Provides options to replay audio and start new conversations - ChatInput: Handles user text input Use Nextjs's App Router and create a chat page that composes these components and manages the overall state of the application.

Handling User Interactions

Implement functions to handle user interactions, such as sending messages, changing voices, and managing the conversation flow. Utilize React hooks like useState and useEffect for state management, and create custom hooks like useLocalStorage for persisting data. Implement logic to process API responses, update the UI, and play audio responses.

Optimizing Performance

To improve performance and user experience, consider implementing streaming responses from both OpenAI and ElevenLabs. This can reduce latency and provide a more responsive interface. Additionally, optimize API requests by limiting response lengths and choosing appropriate models for low-latency tasks.


This tutorial demonstrates how to create a functional audio chatbot using modern web technologies and AI services. The project showcases the integration of text generation and speech synthesis, providing a foundation for more complex conversational AI applications. Developers are encouraged to extend the project, experiment with additional features, and contribute to its improvement on GitHub.

 Original link: https://blog.bolajiayodeji.com/how-to-build-an-audio-chatbot-with-nextjs-openai-and-elevenlabs

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